
Cielo Profundo
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Constelaciones del mes de


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Latín: Puppis (Pup)
Inglés: Stern Castellano: Popa
Alemán: Achterschiff Francés: Poupe

South-East of the prominent constellation Canis Major with its bright star Sirius you can find the extended constellation of Puppis (see lines). To see the entire constellation you should be below of latitude 40 degrees north or, even better, on the southern hemisphere. The brightest star is Zeta Puppis (Naos) just left of the image center with magnitude 2.3. The bright star at lower right is Canopus (alpha Carinae).

In mid of February the shown field culminates at about 10:00 pm local time. The declination of the constellation borders reaches from -51 to -11 degrees.

A splendid Milky Way runs through the field of Puppis. Many open star clusters are fine objects for Deep Sky observers (see also the magnifications). Too faint for visual observers is the very extended Gum Nebula Supernova remnant.

© todas las fotografías han sido obtenidas por Till Credner y Sven Kohle