
The Deep Photographic Guide to the

The constellation of the month


Deep Sky Objects

The following images are magnifications of the same original wide field image. In this way each object can be shown in a standard field of 3o x 3o and the colors and magnitudes can be compared. You should be aware, that the original image is a wide field view with a normal photographic lens! For some objects a telescope or telephoto lens image is available.

M 45, Mel 22, the Pleiades, Open Cluster
IC 349, Reflection Nebula
visible by naked eye (M 45)
  • SEDS infos
  • hyades.jpg
    Hyades, Mel 25, Open Cluster
    visible with naked eye
    In contrast to other objects, especially M 1, the wide spread
    cluster fills more than our standard field of view.
  • Tele lens image
  • SEDS infos
  • n1647.jpg
    NGC 1647, Open Cluster
  • Tele lens image with Hyades
  • SEDS infos
  • n1746.jpg
    NGC 1746, Open Cluster
  • SEDS infos
  • n1817.jpg
    NGC 1817, Open Cluster (left)
    NGC 1807, Open Cluster (right)
  • SEDS infos NGC 1817
  • SEDS infos NGC 1807
  • m1.jpg
    M 1, the Crab Nebula, Supernova Remnant
    Just to show you, how small M 1 in the standard field of 3o x 3o is.
    It is the almost stellar object in the very center.
  • Telescope image
  • SEDS infos
  • © all photographs taken by Till Credner and Sven Kohle